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Inclusive Workplaces – Ensuring you are not missing out

How do we, and should we, ensure that we attract, retain and develop young people in the world of work?

This webinar facilitated by Robert Cole of inclusion consultancy, Forth Perspectives, will show how inclusive diversity is a driver for business success: reflecting customers and society at large, encouraging innovation and harnessing different perspectives and approaches. 
Despite our good intentions there’s a lack of progress in true equality at work and in society, Robert will talk about the challenges faced by diverse groups, the impact of unconscious bias in decisions we make about people at work. He aims to show how business leaders can help to deliver fair and equal outcomes and avoid bias and subjectivity at key points in people’s careers, starting with recruitment. With a focus on Inclusive leadership, you’ll learn about the power of being authentic and inclusive in our organisations. The webinar will be interactive, engaging, informative and practical.

Event details

Event Title Inclusive Workplaces – Ensuring you are not missing out
Event Date 6th October 2020
Event Time 14:00 - 17:00
Event Location DYW
Event Postcode EH2 2LE
Event Price £0.00 ex VAT (members) and £0.00 ex VAT (non-members)
* equates to £0.00 inc. VAT* (members) / £0.00 inc. VAT* (non-members)
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